Vianne Dowley Satterfield

Marietta, Georgia 30066 United States


You are tired of going through the motions of life only to be disappointed, discouraged and depressed. You can't sleep well and you are overthinking about what you said. You experience stress and anxiety about small things now. It used to be just the big things that worried you, and now life stressors and the difficult circumstance you face is all you can think about it. It is impacting your relationships and you have doubt that God will see you through this adversity. Perhaps you feel hopeless, alone and anxious.

I am a master's level, licensed professional counselor (LPC) committed to helping adults overcome adversity. My work focuses on identifying negative mindsets, reprocessing trauma, and spiritual mentoring. I am passionate about helping adults overcome anxiety, depression and grief through CBT, EMDR and faith-based prayer counseling.

I listen with compassion, attunement and offer hope so you can better understand yourself and discover new ways of relating with yourself and others. Together we identify your goals and work towards making changes in your mindsets, actions and responses to problems and adversity in your life. Schedule a free 15-min phone consult today.


Qualifications: Georgia State University and Richmont Graduate Uni
Academic Suffixes: MS, LPC
Expertise: Anxiety, Cancer, Chronic Illness, Codependency, Coping Skills, Depression, Grief, Life Transitions, Self Esteem, Other, Spirituality, Stress, Trauma and PTSD, Women



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