Trey Hill


Tupelo, Mississippi 38804 United States


Life isn’t always the easiest thing to do. Sometimes we get overwhelmed by situations, people, or even our own thoughts and feelings. You may have even asked yourself questions like "What's wrong with me?" or "Why don't I have all my stuff together like everyone else?" The good news is, we’re all in this together—you’re not alone! Whether you're struggling with obsessions or compulsions, deconstructing your faith, or navigating relationships, identity, or mental health issues, it can be helpful—and even freeing—to have someone to confide in.

You are a whole human being. This means you have the capability to change in ways that work toward the person you're becoming. Throughout this journey, you will learn ways to treat yourself with kindness and compassion as you undergo the process of change. You will also develop skills to choose what in your life is worth focusing on and striving toward.

In this work together, we will always be focusing on your hopes, goals, or possible outcomes important to you in life. Through our work, I hope that you will gradually learn a new way to relate with the things you have long struggled against. I encourage you to reach out and schedule an initial appointment with me to discuss these possibilities.


Qualifications: Wake Forest University
Academic Suffixes: MA, NCC, LPC
Expertise: Anxiety, Career Counseling, Other, Grief, Obsessive-Compulsive (OCD), Relationship Issues, Spirituality



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