Tonya Lambert Delp

Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 United States


Dr. Delp has 10+ years of experience supporting children and adolescents in a variety of contexts to improve behavioral and emotional regulation and support compassionate, client-directed goals toward a more fulfilled life. Dually trained as a clinical and school psychologist, she has expertise in and experience assessing & treating needs for children/adolescents ages 3 - 22. While Dr. Delp enjoys working with children of all ages and abilities, she has concentrated her training to support adolescents with ASD and comorbid mood disorders and supporting caregivers of young children newly diagnosed with ASD.

Dr. Delp offers individual therapy, parent support/consultation, and family therapy. With a strong behavioral background, Dr. Delp uses an integrated approach relying on principles of behavior analysis, acceptance and commitment therapy. and traditional cognitive behavior therapy to support clients in navigating various needs and concerns.

Dr. Delp also provides 1) group therapy for individuals seeking support with social skills and emotional regulation based on age and skill level and 2) diagnostic assessments to aid caregivers in better understanding their child's development.


Qualifications: Syracuse University
Academic Suffixes: PhD, LCP, BCBA-D
Expertise: ADHD, Anxiety, Autism, Behavioral Issues, Child or Adolescent, Coping Skills, Depression, Developmental Disorders, Dual Diagnosis, Intellectual Disability, Parenting, Peer Relationships, School Issues, Other



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