Many people with anxiety attempt to control their thoughts, avoid, or perform behaviors to prevent unease or a negative outcome, only for worry to return. This feels intuitive, but actually prolongs distress long-term by reinforcing the ideas of intolerance and that there is something to fear. It's human nature to experience some discomfort. With Exposure Therapy, you can gradually minimize fears with support and thrive *in spite of* discomforts the brain, body, & life send your way. Let's replace the confinements of certainty with the freedom of uncertainty. Dr. Curiel treats many conditions that require advanced training beyond a general, clinical degree. She has invested in maintaining competency to treat the following issues: OCD, BDD, Tics, Phobias, Anxiety Disorders, Illness Anxiety, and PTSD with flashbacks. Solely convenient video-therapy. Please review website. Please email as phone time is limited. Scheduling your first appointment or trying a new therapist can be scary, but it could make all the difference. Dr. Curiel regularly works with sensitive topics that cause anxiety (health, safety, harm, sex, scrupulosity, social, postpartum, sensations, trauma), as well as behaviors that might be misunderstood by others (compulsions, tics, avoidance).
Academic Suffixes: | PsyD |
Expertise: | Anxiety, Other, Obsessive-Compulsive (OCD), Other, Pregnancy, Prenatal, Postpartum, Trauma and PTSD |