Nicholas Singman

Tarrytown, New York 10591 United States


If you've reached this page you are likely seeking a different kind of conversation. One in which all of you will be heard in a spirit of safety and respect, without judgment or criticism. A conversation which may activate your native abilities to understand, tolerate, and ease internal stress, gain genuine insight into troubling relationships, and develop more ease and control over the challenges in living that each of us faces daily.

I work in partnership with people. I can't make the journey for you, but I will walk side by side with you. Together, we will be able to make better sense of experiences like anxiety and depression, self-sabotaging behaviors, attention problems, grief and loss, as well as family and marital issues.

Whether you are seeking help for the first time, or are choosing to revisit unfinished personal goals, now may be your time to voice your own questions and hear your own answers.


Qualifications: Westchester Institute for Psychoanalysis
Academic Suffixes: LCSW
Expertise: Addiction, ADHD, Anger Management, Anxiety, Asperger



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