Melvyn A Hill

New York, New York 10023 United States


If you want to feel happy with yourself, enjoy relating to others, and find passion in your pursuits, you may be looking for a therapistwith the empathy, understanding and knowledge to guide your process effectively and help you find your way. I am an old hand at this.I offer a safe space for you to get to know and love your true self and acquirethe emotional resilience and skill you'll need to enrich your life experience.

I believe that mind, body and spirit each require our respect and attention for us to heal and grow personally. To initiate this process, I focus on bodily sensations, explore feelings in the present moment and listen to your dreams in order to open up needs and desires that have been hidden from consciousness. This points the way to healing.

When you call me, I will arrange for us to meet for a free interview in my office. This will give you the opportunity to assess if you feel safe with me and whether I can understand and address what you need. I am an out of network provider, which means you pay the fee upfront and are reimbursed by your insurance. I look forward to meeting you.


Qualifications: York University, Toronto
Academic Suffixes: PhD, PCC
Expertise: Anxiety, Behavioral Issues, Codependency, Depression, Grief, Life Transitions, Men


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