You’re depressed, stressed out, or worrying all the time. You have noticed that you’re having trouble doing things. You know the feelings you’re having are making it hard to keep relationships or make new ones. Maybe you’re struggling to ask for what you need or to set boundaries. You aren’t interested in things like you once were. You don’t like feeling this way, but you don’t know how to change it. I know you want to feel better. Whether that means you want to feel less depressed, less worried, able to accomplish tasks, communicate better, take better care of yourself, build relationships or maintain them, or get a better handle on your (sometimes) intense emotions you’re in the right place. I offer telehealth appointments that can conveniently fit into your schedule. I respond to all e-mails and calls within 2 business days (e-mail is the fastest way to contact me). My current availability is Thursday and Friday mornings. I do not offer any appointments on weekends or after 2pm on weekdays.
Qualifications: | University at Albany, SUNY |
Academic Suffixes: | LCSW-R |
Expertise: | Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Codependency, Other, Coping Skills, Depression, Life Transitions, Obsessive-Compulsive (OCD), Relationship Issues, Self Esteem, Stress, Women |