There is no manual for the LGBTQ experience. People in our community often find themselves having spent their childhood trying to stay safe, only to reach adulthood without the skills and relationships to have the fulfilling life they deserve. We often feel like we are spending our lives playing catch up, trying to reclaim our past while living out our present and future all at the same time. Imagine what it would be like to feel confident in the decisions you made and to know that every day was leading you closer to the life you want to live. Therapy is about building a better relationship with yourself and with those around you. Together we can work to find ways to better support your mental health. You can schedule a consultation or appointment by clicking the web link. You can also contact me by email and schedule directly if you aren't able to find an available time.
Qualifications: | Texas A&M University |
Academic Suffixes: | NCC |
Expertise: | Anxiety, Coping Skills, Depression, Other, Life Transitions, Men |