What's troubling you? Is it lack of concentration, easy startle reaction, difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep? Are you disorganized or do people tell you you're disorganized? Are you highly organized and have trouble altering your plans? Do you day-dream & lose track of conversations or what's being said in class or a meeting? If these describe you it may be that you are experiencing the effects of Adult Attention-Deficit Disorder. You're not alone and there is help. I work with people who experience the difficulties this can pose on a regular basis. I work with you to neutralize negative messages about you that you've heard from many people all your life that have become your negative self-talk as well as help you find and stick with "work-arounds" for problem areas and coping mechanisms for dealing with unfair criticisms. Over the years of effective work with ADDers I've learned that you really do know best what you need to feel comfortable enough to work things through. If you need to pace, fidget, or move around during our sessions go right ahead. It's all about you.
Qualifications: | Yeshiva University |
Academic Suffixes: | LCSW |
Expertise: | Addiction, ADHD, Alcohol Use, Anger Management, Anxiety, Chronic Relapse, Drug Abuse, Dual Diagnosis, Gambling, Grief, Other, Internet Addiction, Men |