Dr. Julie Heim Jackson

Concord, Massachusetts 01742 United States


It is as though a “What if…” reel is running in your mind. You are so exhausted by the second (third and fourth!) guessing of your choices and your interactions with others. Dealing with your anxiety is taking up so much energy. Sometimes you try to avoid the things or situations that are causing your anxiety. Other times you might check in with a friend, partner or parent asking, “Do you think what I did was okay?” Still other times you imagine worse-case scenarios playing out and strategize how you can prevent them. But the worry comes back.

There are important milestones you want to reach in life without anxiety in your way. You want to feel confident in your decisions and enjoy time with friends and family without the stress. You’d love to shut off the “what if…” reel in your mind and just relax.

If you are tired of anxiety controlling your life and you want to take charge again, please contact me to find the answers and strategies you need to make positive changes. We'll start with a free 30 minute phone call where you can ask questions and see if we are a good match. Check out my website to learn more: www.julieheimjackson.com


Qualifications: Boston College
Academic Suffixes: PhD
Expertise: Other, Anxiety, Child or Adolescent, Obsessive-Compulsive (OCD), Parenting, Stress



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