Dr. Jessica S. Lewis

San Antonio, Texas 78229 United States


Dr. Jessica S. Lewis is a counseling psychologist specializing in clinical, research, and program development focused on traumainformed care, valuesbased interventions, spiritualbased forms of coping, and interdisciplinary teamwork. She earned her Ph.D. in counseling psychology with a subspecialization in health psychology from the University of Georgia. She obtained her Master of Arts degree in psychology from Pepperdine University, graduating Magna Cum Laude. She received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communication Studies from Furman University. Dr.

Lewis is a dedicated servant leader working from a holistic thirdwave therapy theoretical orientation (Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy).

She is committed to helping clients heal from their trauma(s), live in their truth, and engage in valuesbased actions that move one toward resilience, meaningmaking, and purpose in life. In her personal time, she loves spending time with her husband, son, and two fur babies.


Qualifications: University Of Georgia
Academic Suffixes: PhD
Expertise: Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Grief, Life Transitions, Marital and Premarital, Sleep or Insomnia, Trauma and PTSD



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