Dr. Emily L. Robertson

Sarasota, Florida 34236 United States


Now seeing clients in-person in Sarasota/Bradenton/Lakewood Ranch Florida and also works with parents virtually in 41 other states. I specialize in child ADHD, defiance/oppositional concerns (e.g., tantrums, anger, hitting), impulsivity, and family conflict. I offer Parent Management Training and Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) which are the gold standard treatment that focused on teaching parents skills to improve child emotional and behavioral health. See practice website to see if you are in a state we serve: www.centerforchildbehavior.com.

We support parents by showing them how to teach their children to regulate their emotions and big feelings using research supported strategies. These strategies focus on improving anger regulation, outbursts, self-esteem, healthy communication, parent-child relationship, worries and fears, and learning how to manage emotions when things don't go their way.

We take a nonjudgmental, collaborative, and data-driven approach when working with families. This means that we evaluate where you and your child start and how you progress through treatment or through the evaluation. We urge families not to wait to receive support as early intervention is key to increasing the best outcomes for children. Contact us today!


Qualifications: Louisiana State University
Academic Suffixes: PhD
Expertise: ADHD, Anger Management, Behavioral Issues, Body Positivity, Cancer, Child or Adolescent, Family Conflict, Oppositional Defiance, Other, Parenting, School Issues, Veterans



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