Andy Nguyen

San Francisco, California 94102 United States


Perhaps you reached the top of the mountain only to ask, now what? An adamant voice says there is no life worth leading unless you are exceptional. Or you manage things on the surface seamlessly only to feel overwhelmed behind closed doors. It would make so much sense. Our environment has demanded more in recent times—be more, do more, have more—all at once. It is not by chance we exist in the age of superheroes and social media. There are bigger shoes for us and our children to grow into yet not enough room to play or tend to the inner person. Perhaps we learned ways to survive that no longer serve us.

We absorb so much in our environment that it becomes difficult to decipher what is ours and what belongs to those tasked to take care of us. My job is to uncover these patterns and gently make room for experiences that bring more inner life to your work, school, and relationships. This can take place in one-on-one therapy or a group format in real-time.

I'm a transplant who immigrated from Southeast Asia at a young age. My story offers me a unique sensibility in making contact with adolescents and adults when their world is in upheaval, no matter how universal. I invite folks from various spectrums and backgrounds who are not reflected in our mainstream collective to reach out and have an initial meeting.


Academic Suffixes: PsyD
Expertise: Other, Addiction, Anxiety, Cancer, Child or Adolescent, Chronic Illness, Codependency, Depression, Dissociative Disorders, Divorce, Family Conflict, Grief, Infidelity, Life Transitions, Men



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