Amy Shaffer

Oakland, California 94618 United States


I have practiced as a therapist for over twenty years and specialize in helping people integrate unresolved aspects of the past in order to live freely in the present. Exploring adaptive strategies which used to help but now are limiting; meeting all parts of ourselves with curiosity and compassion; cultivating consciousness around our thinking and feeling patterns; bringing attention to the body and working with the nervous system to soften areas of tension and holding - these are ways therapy can deepen insight and support ease and well being.

Life’s events and transitions - such as loss or disillusionment in a significant relationship; conflict within the family system or at work; or changes in our own bodies - can evoke intense feelings and reveal conditioned beliefs which no longer serve us. I can be with you through the stages of upheaval, and support awareness, understanding, and growth.

I have many years of experience working with alcohol, food, and other habitual behaviors which we may use to dull pain or seek pleasure - complex relationships that merit a nonjudgmental and holistic approach. Exploring these relationships with curiosity and attunement can invite release from binding patterns and lead to new ways of living authentically.


Qualifications: California Institute of Integral Studies
Academic Suffixes: MA, MFT
Expertise: Addiction, Alcohol Use, Anxiety, Child or Adolescent, Depression, Divorce, Eating Disorders, Family Conflict, Grief, Life Transitions, Men



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